
About blogging

I found more things through my pictures after my starting my personal blog. I like taking pictures so I often took pictures but I took much more pictures since I started blogging. I think I’ve took more than 1500 pictures in 6 months! It not only for blog but also for me to remember what I did. Sharing pictures which I took is also important for me to make people happy. I often show pictures of delicious food, lovely animals and beautiful places. People who read my post write about how they thought about my pictures and my experiences. Sometimes they tell me some ideas and their experiences! Then I see my pictures again and find new things! So I think blogger is a very useful function to share the information and thought of people. That’s why I often put many pictures on my blog posts! I like sharing my experience with people.^^

2 件のコメント:

  1. Emi,
    I am glad that you are sharing your pictures, as you seem to be pretty good with a camera. I found that I started taking more pictures once I started blogging years ago. The blogging made taking pictures fun, and the photography made the blogging fun. Works out rather nicely that way. ;^)
    I hope that you keep up this blog after this class is over. It would be nice to see more of your photos.

  2. Hello Mr.HEnneberry,
    I enjoyed taking pictures before starting blogging but now it's more intesting to taking pictures before!^^ Recently, I started editing pictures on internet for free.
